Welcome! We are the American Baptist Churches of Maine

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We are the American Baptist Churches of Maine.  We are disciple-making communities that believe the local church is the fundamental unit of mission and make it our priority to affirm, support and challenge local congregations as they live out their mission.  We are called by God, through Jesus Christ, to be communities of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as witnesses and agents of God’s love and justice in the church and in the world.

We are the American Baptist Churches of Maine.  We are reclaiming our posture as a people of the Word who participate in God’s mission in the world, wherever that mission-journey takes us.  Our Baptist story informs us about how to serve in the midst of brokenness in the world, how to respond to those on the margins of society, and how to bear faithful witness to our risen Lord in the midst of confusion or despair.           

 Ministry Opportunities

We are the American Baptist Churches of Maine. We are a rural, small church region of the American Baptist Churches, USA that is looking for leaders of character and competence who are servants, Biblically grounded, committed to disciple making through Christ-centered relationships and eager to love and serve small, rural congregations that are distinctively American Baptist.

Pastor, if you are feeling called to serve an American Baptist church in Maine or if you are interested in learning more about the American Baptist Churches of Maine, please email our Regional Resource Minister: al.fletcher@abcom.org.

We welcome your Comments & Encouragement on this website.   

Celebrating 220 years of mission, the American Baptist Churches of Maine exists by the grace of God, the covenant of our local churches, and the financial gifts and offerings of God’s people.  

Please click Make a Donation to support the mission of the American Baptist Churches of Maine. Your financial support is needed and appreciated.